Dartmoor walks this way | News

The Wonders of Walking

2014-01-21 11:59:31

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In it Doc Mike Evans talks about an “intervention”  which is known to improve knee arthritis by 47%, reduce dementia occurrence by 50% and diabetes by 58%, anxiety by 48%, and depression by 47%, is the number one treatment for fatigue and the best way to improve quality of life.  What is this miracle cure?  This “intervention” turns out to be exercise – in particular walking. 

Imagine a pharmaceutical that had that kind of effect on disease and ill health, with no side effects.  We’d all be clamoring for it.  But because it’s free and no one can patent it, it very often gets overlooked.  Or the “exercise” gets turned into sessions you have to pay for at the gym which many people find too boring and alienating to bear.  (I have to admit to being one of those!) 

Doc Evans says that only 30 minutes of exercise (walking) a day makes a measurable difference to people’s overall fitness level, thus reducing their risk of developing many of the modern diseases.  There’s also a lot of recent research showing that recovery from cancer and the likelihood of remaining in remission thereafter are also improved by exercise.  It used to be that “rest” was the mantra after having surgery or chemotherapy, but now the evidence seems to suggest that moderate exercise is a better way to go.

As someone who has been through the whole cancer journey myself 8 years ago, I well remember how poisoned and lethargic chemotherapy left you feeling – and yet struggling out for a gentle walk by a river or through the woods or out to Buckland Beacon brought perspective and refreshment and hope, as well as the obvious physical benefits.  At the end of the walk, I felt a bit tired – but properly tired rather than the fatigue that comes with inactivity and ill health.

If you can’t manage a daily walk (most people can fit at least 30 minutes in somewhere), consider coming out with one of my groups on Dartmoor.   Good company, beautiful scenery and exercise – and once you’ve done a few walks with us, it should give you the confidence to do more on your own.

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